You likely already know that brushing and flossing are essential for good oral health. However, there are more aspects of oral care that you should consider to protect your smile. While many people associate sugary foods and beverages with tooth decay in Newton , there are other culprits that can lead to decay and the erosion of tooth enamel. Watch this video to learn about tooth enamel erosion, and what you can do to prevent it.
Sugar can contribute to tooth decay, but acid is also a major factor in the formation of cavities. When acids come into contact with your tooth enamel, they can cause the enamel to soften and eventually wear away. Drinking any type of soda will bathe your teeth in acid, even if you opt for a sugar-free version. If you do occasionally indulge in a soda, try to drink it all in one sitting rather than over the period of a few hours. When you consume acidic foods and beverages, rinse your mouth with water once you’re done. Do not brush your teeth right after having acidic foods or drinks, as your enamel will be softer and more susceptible to damage.