An increasing number of people have received dental implants in Newton . Attaching dental implants is a safe, popular, and effective procedure. Many people are eligible for the procedure. If you have a missing tooth or teeth or are a denture wearer, dental implants may be a good option for you. Implants usually consist of a small titanium artificial tooth root, to which the dentist can attach a crown or denture. Implants provide a number of advantages over other dental procedures, such as bridges and traditional dentures.
Preventing Damage to Bone and Other Tissues
Stability and Durability
Implant-supported dentures are more stable than conventional, removable dentures. Implants provide a secure foundation for the dentures and help to prevent them from shifting position within the mouth. Implants are extremely durable and often last longer than other, more traditional dental restorations.
Improved Appearance and Greater Ease of Use
With conventional dentures, bone loss over time can lead to a characteristic sunken appearance. Implants help prevent bone loss, allowing the jawbone to retain its natural contours. This makes the face appear fuller and reduces the incidence of wrinkles. Implant overdentures are less likely to impede speech than conventional dentures. Implants can therefore help you to speak more clearly. It is also easier to bite and chew food efficiently with implant-supported dentures than with traditional dentures. This, in turn, can improve digestion.