Among the most popular solutions for missing teeth near Newton are dental implants . A dental implant procedure offers both a cosmetic and a restorative solution for missing teeth, and they provide patients with better dental function and an improved smile. If you’re scheduled to get a dental implant, then there a few steps that you should take to prepare for your appointment.
First, contact your health and dental insurance companies to learn what coverage they provide for the different aspects of the procedure. Next, speak with your oral surgeon to learn if you will require a ride home from the dentist office due to sedation or anesthesia. If you will not be able to drive yourself home, be sure to arrange for transportation to and from the office in advance.
Your recovery from the dental implant procedure is also something for which you can prepare. First, learn if you will need to fill any prescriptions so that you can be ready to head to the pharmacy if necessary. Finally, stock your fridge with foods that will be safe and comfortable for you to eat as you heal from the procedure.